Friday 12 January 2018 • 18:14 • 0 comments

Oh hi it's me writing again after a long break i guess? Nothing much i would expect from this year just a healthy family with a better skin. It's been 3 years since my skin break out. & it left so many scars and taken away my self-esteem.

See my uneven skin with lot of scar. 
Now i'm writing my blog while studying biotech since i got FINAL EXAM on this tuesday. I'm missing home so bad and i miss my little sister :(((((

This one was taken on first day of raya. How my brothers growing so fast and they all big enough could take care of themselves now.

Hahahhahahah how clingy my sister to his fav brother didnt want to let him go
I think i will write again but now i need to finish this lecture note. xoxo


Bonjour! Welcome and enjoy your reading💌 Lots of love xx

Little girl❤♥❤
:) Currently in year 1